Sunday, July 31, 2016

Why My Relationship is NOT Goals

   As cliche as it sounds, everyone wants to find that "special someone".  While we're patiently or not so patiently waiting for that person to appear in our lives, we see other relationships that we want.  We see our friend's boyfriend buy her flowers and makeup, and they always have the cutest Instagram pictures of perfectly decorated Bibles and a cup of coffee showing that they had a devotional together.  We so desperately want a relationship like that and we appoint that image as our one true relationship goal.  Along with receiving nice things, many of us also want a "godly relationship".  While this is a great and important thing to desire, many of us don't understand what an actual godly relationship looks like.  It is a God-like relationship.  Since we are not God, we cannot live out a true godly relationship.  But we are to strive for one with our heavenly Father.
     People assume that a godly relationship is just one between two people who go to church and read their Bible together.  If you do that with your boyfriend or girlfriend, then you have what everyone wants, and you're doing just fine.  A true godly relationship isn't two righteous individuals without any problems.  It's simply two unrighteous, broken sinners who aren't afraid to accept their desperate need of a Savior and His grace.  People don't talk about that enough.  People don't realize or want that enough.  All we see are the cute pictures and the public displays of affection and think to ourselves, "I really want that."  Or we see the cuddly couples at church and wish we could find someone like that.  But deep down, what our heart really needs isn't that.  Our hearts need Jesus.  Our "relationship goals" should be of one with Jesus Christ.  Once we realize that, and start pursuing a strong relationship with Jesus, the relationships that God has planned for us will start falling into place.
     Taylor and I's relationship doesn't always have the attributes of a godly one, and therefore shouldn't be your "relationship goals".  No one can truly have a godly relationship, because we are not God, and we are not perfect.  We're just people.  We have our own sins we have to work through and ones that we have to work with together.  Taylor and I desperately need God, not a so-called godly relationship with each other.  When we have a close bond with Christ, our bond with one another becomes stronger, therefore strengthening our ability to live out the godly relationship we strive for.
     Pursue God first.  Get your heart right with Jesus first.  He won't break your heart or leave you feeling unloved.  Make a strong relationship with Him your #goals.  Cute pictures aren't goals.  Getting gifts from your significant other isn't goals.  Taylor and I are not goals.  Jesus is goals.  Make Him your first priority.  Make your relationship goals one with Him, because He won't let you down.

Friday, July 1, 2016

I Washed My Face with Coconut Oil for a Week

     I'm guilty of scrolling through Pinterest for long periods of time, mostly looking at things I can't afford and ridiculous beauty hacks that I chuckle at.  However, whenever there are beauty hacks that involve natural or household ingredients, I'm intrigued.  I'm particularly interested in natural skin care.  I've read various posts that coconut oil is a great makeup remover, plus there are several other health benefits.  I saw a jar in TJ Maxx for about 6 dollars so I decided to pick it up.
     I don't always wear makeup, but when I do, I'm dying to take it off.  Coconut oil was PERFECT for me.  All I have to do is take a small amount and rub it all over my face and the makeup literally melts off.  Foundation, eyeliner, mascara, everything.  Rinse the oil off and I'm good to go.  In the past, I would use the oil to remove my makeup, and continue to wash the oil off my face with a harsh (exfoliating) face wash, and end with a light moisturizer.  Recently, I've wondered if that's the best for my skin.  So I did some research to find out if coconut oil was a good face wash, even for acne prone skin.  The majority of the results I found were positive.
     Now I know all of my oily skinned friends will be hesitant to put oil on their face, but from the research I've done, it could help you (if you have oily skin and you're constantly washing your face because it's "too oily", you're forcing your skin to produce more natural oils because you're stripping them away every time you wash your face).  I'll tell you a little bit about my skin in a moment so you'll be able to compare my results to your own skin.
     For the past several days I've been washing my face with this organic coconut oil and recording my results through "diary entries" and photos.

     I have dry/combination skin.  Combination skin just means that I’m mostly dry on my cheeks and forehead, but oily around my nose and chin.  My skin is extremely sensitive to the foods I eat and if I’m stressed.  However, I don’t get wimpy breakouts all over my face.  I’ll have big, painful blemishes one at a time (and in very noticeable areas might I add).  It’s very annoying and uncomfortable, so I try to eat as healthy as I can and treat the spots before they get too out of hand.
     So I washed my face every night for seven days with this coconut oil.  I would wash my face in the shower with the oil, and leave it on for a few minutes before rinsing it off.  When you rinse, it won't feel like you've gotten everything off, but it's okay.  The excess oil will absorb into your skin overnight.  *So to my oily-skinned friends, don't be afraid to try this experiment at night.  If your face is still too shiny in the morning, just wash your face with a light cleanser and you should be good to go.*

Day 1
I washed my face in the shower after a long day of working out and coaching volleyball.  Since I had sweat a lot today, I put a little bit of baking soda in my hand with the coconut oil for a little bit of exfoliation.  My first thoughts? “Wow, my skin is SOFT.”  When I got out of the shower, my skin was glowing and there was no need for a moisturizer.  

The washes in between day 1 and day 7 weren't much different from the first, so I'll leave those "entries" out.


The only real thing the coconut oil helped me with was dryness.  I loved the feeling my skin had once I got out of the shower.  I’m considering putting the oil on my legs in the shower after I shave or even over my whole body.  However, for daily washing, I don’t see it hurting or helping my skin.  I do believe this would be an excellent alternative to a gel face wash for people with dry skin.  For people with oily skin, I would recommend using this only at night without a moisturizer afterwards.
Day 1-right side
Day 1-left side

Day 7-right side
Day 7-left side

As you can see, there wasn't much of a difference in the way my skin looked.  But it felt great.  I would be interested to hear how this experiment would go for someone with extremely oily or extremely dry skin.  I hope you'll check it out and let me know your results.  Also, leave comment with any of your favorite coconut oil uses and I'lll be sure to try some out!