Monday, February 29, 2016

How I Fought the Freshman Fifteen

        You always hear that “everyone’s body is different” and “what may work for me may not work for you” but it's true.  ESPECIALLY when it comes to weight loss or getting in shape.  There are different body types and everyone's metabolism varies, causing some people to lose weight quickly or slowly.  But I have noticed ways that I can keep weight off and tone up even with all of the nasty foods you might “have to buy” and are surrounded by on a college budget.  Now keep in mind that I'm not a certified nutritionist or physical trainer or anything like that, but exercising and staying healthy is a big passion of mine, so I catch myself researching and experimenting with different exercises.  So, here is what I have learned to work to completely avoid and fight that dreaded freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior fifteen.
Left: Winter Senior Year (2014)
Right: Spring Freshman Year (2015)

        This is kind of a given, but many students tend to forget when they're staying busy with classes, homework, and other campus events.  But fitting some sort of exercise into your every day routine will not only make you feel better, but you'll also be on the road to slimming down!  Some easy ways to fit in a little bit of exercise includes walking to class, always taking the stairs, or even play basketball with friends.
        I have a pretty busy schedule, but every day I usually have some sort of odd break between classes or practices, so I'll use that time to go to the campus gym and either run or do some sort of weight lifting for about 30 minutes to an hour.  Many people like to work out at the end of the day, but I prefer to exercise at the beginning if possible.  Working out towards the beginning of my day just wakes me up and puts me in a better mood for the whole day.  There's a lot of science behind that, but I won't go into those details :)
        If you're just too busy to fit in a 30 minute workout at some point in your day, there are SO many workouts online (I LOVE Pinterest) that you could pull up on your phone.  I love to do the 5-10 minute workouts before showers if I haven't had time to work out at any other point that day.  I mean, you're about to shower.  So why not work up a little sweat?? That is a GREAT way to fit in some small workouts into your busy schedule.  (If you want me to go into detail with my workouts, let me know)

        Another given…but so important!!  Girls, go buy a cute pink water bottle from Walmart and keep it in your backpack (there's a special holder for it remember?).  Having a cute water bottle always helps me get excited about drinking water…weird I know, but try it! Get one with a straw so while you're sitting in class or even walking to your next one you can be sipping on it all day.  You will be going to the bathroom a lot, so be prepared.
        Once you start learning to be less dependent on drinks other than water you will notice a difference in how you feel, and possibly how you look!  As soon as I made the decision to drink nothing but water, I noticed that I felt so much better and not so groggy.  As soon as I tried to drink a soda, it made me sick!  So now I only drink water, and occasionally some lemonade or even an iced coffee, but not much else.  Not only will you feel and look better, but you'll save so much money!  Only a few restaurants charge for cups of water, so choose the healthier, budget friendly route and order water instead of sweet tea!
        *tip for those who think they'll get headaches from not drinking caffeine: slowly wean yourself off of it!  If you have one drink with caffeine a day, try to go 5 days without it, and work yourself up until you don't crave it anymore!  It takes dedication, but if you really want to make a difference, you have to suck it up at some point and deal with the cravings.  It's not impossible, y'all!

        Sleep: a college student’s best friend.  It's a blessing to have a break between classes to have a quick nap.  Really try to get organized and manage your time wisely so you can get to bed at a reasonable hour.  Start to train your body to go to bed earlier, or at least try to find times to squeeze in a power nap.  A power nap is NOT a 2 hour sleep.  A power nap is a 20-30 minute snooze.  You'll definitely notice a difference in how you feel between long sleeps and power naps.  Sleeping gives your body time to heal itself from exercise and of course give you some more energy to get through your day.

        It's common for students to automatically assume that there's no way they can eat healthy while in college.  There's the popular stereotype that college students are always eating ramen and cereal out of miscellaneous containers, but it doesn't have to be that way.  I don't know how other college dining halls are set up, but at least at Troy’s there is a shelf of apples and oranges.  (Do you realize how expensive those are at the grocery store?) So after you've (hopefully) eaten a healthy meal in your dining hall, grab an apple or two and save them for a snack when you're dying for that bagel from Einstein’s or those peanut M&Ms.  Now that's probably not the best example of how to stay healthy in college, but just be smart and aware of what you're putting into your body.  And when you see opportunities for (free) healthy food, don't hesitate to take it!
        “Myfitnesspal” is a GREAT app to use if you want to watch what you eat.  It's so simple too!  You just enter in your information (height, weight, etc.) and what your goals are (gain or lose weight, and how much) and it tells you how many calories you can eat in a day and still lose or gain the amount of weight you wish.  REMEMBER: there's a huge difference between 1000 calories of chicken and vegetables and 1000 calories of McDonalds.  You just enter the food that you eat into the app and it will tell you if you've reached your sodium or cholesterol limit of the day, etc.  The app has an exercise section so whenever you go on a run on the treadmill or even a bike ride, you can enter in how many calories you burned, and it will add that amount back to how many calories you can eat!  It will even count your steps!  After using the app for a few weeks, it made me much more conscious of what I ate and how many calories I was actually burning in an ordinary day.

        So there’s just a few things I've learned to help make sure that I avoid gaining unnecessary weight and how I can feel healthier all day long.  Hopefully these tips will help you and if I didn't explain anything in detail enough or if you have any questions, please let me know in the comments! 

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Dreams and Aspirations

        As some of you know, I am generally an athletic person.  I played softball for 11 years, volleyball for 6, and basketball for 1.  And I know it's so hard to believe, but I wasn't exceptionally skilled at any of those sports.  Sure, I had some decent seasons and good games, but it was never really enough to get me a big scholarship.  
        I was more skilled at softball (mostly my senior year), but volleyball was and is my favorite sport. Since graduating high school, I've had the opportunity to play intramural sports at college, which has kept me sane.  I must add that my intramural softball team won the championship!
        I've also had the incredible opportunity to coach my old high school volleyball team.  This past year was my first year as assistant coach to my mother, and my sister was a senior captain on the team.  Our team won runner-up in our conference, and we came in third in our division at the National Association of Christian Athletes volleyball tournament in Tennessee among 40+ other home school teams.  Considering this was only EA's third year having a volleyball team, I think they did pretty well and they're only going to get better! Coaching those girls was such a blast and I can't wait for the upcoming months.  It came so easy to me and I loved it so much that I really believe that God's plans involve me coaching even more in the future.
        As mentioned in my previous post, I am finishing up my second year of studying Exercise Science.  I've really been enjoying my classes that involve the human body, not so much the math and history classes.  When people ask me what I want to do with an Exercise Science degree, at first I've been saying that I wanted to be a strength and conditioning coach.  While I still plan on learning more about and studying strength and conditioning, I'm leaning more towards coaching.  I guess you could say my dream job would be to become an upper level volleyball coach who is also a certified strength and conditioning coach.  Pretty specific I know, but a girl can dream.
        So while I'm taking these horrible cell biology, geography, and world literature classes, I'm daydreaming of volleyball season and weight lifting.
The EA Knights volleyball team after being awarded the ACSC Conference Runner-Up trophy

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

I'm Not a Writer... don't get confused.  I have blogged on and off for several years now, but I've never truly stuck with it.  I hope to be different this time, so bear with me.  But before I get into "regular" posts, allow me to share some random information about me that you may or may not care about:         
As stated in my bio, I am just a simple college student.  I am currently a Sophomore, almost a Junior, and I haven't taken an English class in about 2 years.  So my posts might not be as elegant as others, but maybe I can share some stories or information that is interesting, educational, or even funny to you (let's be honest, the funny part probably won't happen, but that's OK).  Let's see...what else.  I am the oldest of 5 children who was raised by amazing parents.  They were somehow able to stay sane while homeschooling all FIVE of us.  I act like it was a huge task, but in reality, we were, and are, good kids.
Here's a nice picture of me with my siblings and parents. Oh, that's me, in the grey shirt and Chacos.  I just realized that I am wearing an outfit right now that is almost the exact same as the one in the  My family includes my parents Donnie and Stacy (pictured top right), myself, my sister Harris Anne in the light blue shirt, and my three brothers David, Hudson, and Jack.  Yes, I am the oldest and currently have two siblings taller than me, and I'm not even short!  I will probably write another post specifically about the Walker family, because they are definitely interesting.
I am currently dating the most AMAZING man on the planet (what girlfriend wouldn't say their boyfriend is amazing, but mine actually is) who happens to have a very interesting life as well.  We both attend the same college, and that I am very thankful for. He studies Marketing and I study Exercise Science.  We keep each other company while we're away from our families, and we get along together very well.  Our families have known each other for years but we never more than friends before a few years ago.  Oh yeah. Did I mention that he's a quintuplet??  Don't know what that means?  Well, have you ever heard your mother talking about how having one child was?  Imagine having five once.  Yes, FIVE kids, sound familiar? Except Taylor and his four brothers were born only minutes apart.  Sounds like a blog post waiting to happen, right?
Finally, I have the most adorable fur child on the face of this earth.  Her name is Temperance Brennan, named after the character with the same name from one of my favorite TV shows, Bones.  She was a graduation/birthday present from my parents.  I got her from the local shelter and when I first saw her, she wasn't that cute.  She was sad and lonely, but I was drawn to her. As soon as she came home, she perked up and now she's the cuddliest, sweetest, most amazing dog in the world and she's one of my best friends.
Well that's basically it!  I plan to write posts on fitness, college, coaching, and just life in general.  Stay tuned if you wish :)